It's hard to believe this sweet looking dog is so blood thirsty.
It went like this: I saw her outside with the squirrel in her mouth.I commanded her to drop it. And like a well-trained Weimaraner (not!), she did. The squirrel scurried into the garage and hid under the car. Meanwhile, the dog is going crazy trying to get at the squirrel. My husband held the dog while I opened the garage door and tried to scoop the squirrel outside.That squirrel was having nothing to do with that idea.
I did manage to get him outside into the fenced-in part of the yard though and put the dog into her kennel for a couple hours.
I searched the yard for the squirrel and found him under a fern. I nudged him with a shovel and he scampered up the tree. I knew he was injured and I hoped he would wander into someone else's yard and die.
In the middle of the night I let the dogs out and heard the dog scream and the squirrel squeal. Got the dog in, dabbed the cuts on her face with antiseptic soap and went back to sleep.
In the morning we did a full sweep of the yard and Anika found the dead squirrel hiding behind some fencing.
I should have just let Anika kill the squirrel when she had the chance because that poor squirrel suffered for a long time before it died.
But I think the word is out: I haven't seen another squirrel in the yard since then!
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