Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Case of the Zoomies

If you have a dog, especially if you have an active dog, you have surely seen a case of the zoomies--that crazy fast run with the tail tucked under.

Our dearly departed Greyhound, Bella, could outdo any dog on the zoomies. The upside is that it's hysterical and beautiful to watch a dog (especially a Greyhound) get up a head of steam and careened around the yard. The downside is the landscape plants are trampled and the dog sometimes returns with an injury.

In fact, one afternoon I was selling a kayak and just as the guy arrived to pick up the kayak, Bella had ripped her leg open racing around the yard. It was that really delicate area on the lower leg where there's not much to stitch together. I was frantic and stressed. I completed the transaction, raced to the vet and handed over the kayak sale proceedings and then some to the vet.

Anyway, I digress.

I have never seen Steffi with the zoomies. But Anika, being the younger and far more energetic Weim, has them in the house, in the yard, but never at the dog park, where it would be perfectly OK to have them.

There's nothing you can do once the dog starts the zooming. Just sit back and enjoy the sight. And pick of the pieces later.

If you want to watch Anika zooming around the yard, click here to see a YouTube video of it.

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