I have recently posted warnings about not walking one's dogs (in my case, Anika) on a hot sidewalk because the pavement can burn the dog's pads. Also, I've cautioned you not to leave your dogs in your car on a hot day.
I realize there are many hazards in the summer when we are enjoying outdoor activities with our dogs. Be careful taking your dog to the beach. Around here we have very powerful rip tides. White water rivers are also a drowning hazard for dogs. There are a lot of those around here, too.
But closer to home, in fact right in your own backyard are pet hazards to be on the watch for: do not use slug bait, Roundup, or rat traps anywhere your pets MIGHT get into them. Poisonous! Also do your research when planting landscape plants. Many are poisonous to dogs. And if yours are anything like mine, they eat everything. Do you know how to induce vomiting in your dog? A bottle of hydrogen peroxide is a must-have in your first aid kit.
The last hazard that comes to mind and is fresh on my mind is what to do if your dog tangles with a bee, hornet or a yellow jacket and ends up with a nice big welt. Last week was Steffi's turn on the left side muzzle:
Last summer, Anika got hers above her eye. Since I don't run to the vet every time something happens to my dogs; only when it's beyond my first aid expertise, Benadryl is another remedy to have in your first aid kit. I use half a child's dose and by the next day the swelling is usually gone. If that doesn't seem to work, then I would definitely take them to the vet.
Besides bees, dogs can more easily tangle with skunks, raccoons, snakes, and other dogs in the summer when everyone is out and about. So be smart and have your first aid kit ready and your vet's phone number on speed dial, just in case.
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