Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Neighborhood

I think I live in a nice neighborhood. There are many retired people who take good care of their yards. Lots of kids riding scooters and bikes. But I have to admit, I see way too much dog waste left along the way as I walk my two girls each day.

I see many people walking their dogs. All generally have their little waste baggies with them. I have never actually seen anyone watch and just walk away after the dog relieves himself. But I see the evidence that it happens.

People! Please pick up after your dogs! We don't want to step in your dog's waste on the sidewalk or street.  Do you want your kids to step in dog poop?

And while I'm at it, please keep your dogs leashed at all times. It happened again yesterday. I was taking my girls on their daily walk In the flash of an eye, barreling out of a house at top speed come two dogs to attack! We were not on their property, but due to the owners' negligence, their dogs escaped, barking and teeth barred. The friendly-looking yellow lab turned in an instant into a ferocious attack dog and bit Steffi.

This is the fourth time this has happened with people who can't or won't for some reason keep their dogs restrained. How would you feel if in that moment of negligence, a car ran over your dog? What if your dog chased down a child and bit the child? You would be in big trouble then.

I was not nasty about it. The owner made sure Steffi was not hurt. But still.

And now I have to deal with my dogs anticipating the attack again and again each time I walk by that part of my neighborhood in the future. Because, believe me, they do. They become agitated and pull on their leashes, bark, and jump. Well, Anika does. And I have been working for months to be able to walk her calmly through the neighborhood without this agitation and now because of some stupid asshole, I have to start all over again.

I thought I lived in a nice neighborhood. But there are a few jerks everywhere.

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